Preparing For the Healing

Preparing for the Global Healing

Logo-gld frameJoin us and shining lights across the globe
each month for an unparalleled personal and
planetary transformation setting FREE all humanity

Powerful Healing Activations will take place
directly from Divine Beings in the Realms of Light

with people holding together as vessels around the world
so a great healing and advancement of humanity can occur.
Truly, the world will never be the same!

Each person present, along with their families, loved ones and all humanity
Will receive a huge blessing from these Healing Activations that can include:
Healings, clearings, activations,
DNA alignment and recoding to the Divine Pattern,
Chakra balancing, Pineal Activation,
Aka Cords Cut and Negative Energies Released,
Physical restoration and balancing, brain chemistry balancing and more.

What you receive is up to you and is between you and your Divine Self,
The Divine Ones simply serve the highest intention for your soul,
Therefore, come prepared!

Join in your Sacred Healing Circles
To amplify the power of this Healing Light to our Planet and
help raise humanity into an Age of Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace

If you or your group want to be a
Vessel of Healing for humanity and the Earth
Please prepare for the Divine Healing Transmission by…

Setting Clear Intentions
Place written prayers on an altar with
crystals, divine images, flowers and other sacred objects
Light candles and/or incense
Center yourself and be ready to release and receive
Groups can begin with prayers, music, toning and a short centering meditation

Let us know if your group will be with us, its name, and where you are located
Also, you can email your prayer requests to

We look forward to sharing this landmark adventure in healing with you!

TSA logo-gdEach month as you enter the Sacred Healing Temple
you are required to give a Love Offering from your heart
as was the tradition in the ancient temples.
All offerings are received with great gratitude
as our Global Healing Mission is growing exponentially each day
with so many offerings in production for an Awakening World.
Thank you for your generosity!

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