True Wealth: Your Divine Birthright

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True Wealth: Your Divine Birthright
A Sacred Alchemy – Self Actualization – Total Life Transformation Program
that can also be used over 7 days, 33 days, 12 weeks or more,
or however/whenever you are inspired

Discount: Total Program Value $359  –  Special Offer $188



Infuse yourself daily as inspired with: 

  • Divine Activations and Healing Music from the Realms of Light
  • Divine Inspiration through a letter a day from the Indwelling Spirit ebook, empowering Your Awakening to LOVE
  • Positive support by reading the Earth 2012-2033: The Violet Age ebook
  • Healing  Your Life, Change Your Destiny using the TheQuest 7 Steps as blocks to your abundance arise
  • Optional Soul Remedy Healing/Soul Destiny one hour sessions with Aurora at 50% off ($125 instead of $250)

This Sacred Alchemy Self Actualization – Total Life Transformation program includes 16 amazing life changing products by Aurora to accelerate your Soul Advancement helping you step more fully into the Abundant Consciousness and Life that is meant for you!

The Program

Morning: Listen to a Divine Activation, Read a letter from the Inner Creative Self in the Indwelling Spirit book.

Daily: Do TheQuest 7 steps as issues arise, to return quickly to your Authentic Self. Play the healing music throughout the day to infuse the atmosphere with light and keep your consciousness raised

Night: Read a book or listen to audio album or Activation.


Your Program Includes the following Light filled 
deeply healing transforming products by Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD…


TheQuest 7 Steps tiny

TheQuest Self Healing System

TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny (eBook, $22 value)

TheQuest 7 Step Self Healing Technique (audio album, $25 value)

Divine Healing Transmission Activations

Abundance Activation (audio, $33 value)

Activating the God Self Within (audio album,$25 value)

Anchoring the Grand Design for your Soul (audio album, $25 value)

Awaken to Full God Realization – Divine Healing Transmission (audio album, $25 value)

Earth Star Activation by Queen Fiona and Elemental Kingdoms (audio, $33 value)

Seven Ray Activations (audio, $33 value)

Audio Albums

The Soul's Journey (audio album, $25 value)

Earth 2012-2033: Journey into the Future (audio album, $25 Value)


Earth 2012-33.The Violet Age (eBook, $22 value)

The Indwelling Spirit, an Illumined Pathway to Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace (eBook, $22 Value)

Healing Music by Aurora

Everlasting Joy by Aurora Juliana Ariel and Bruce BecVar (Music Album, $18 Value)

Rainbow in a Blue Sky by Aurora Juliana Ariel and Bruce BecVar (Music Album, $18 Value)

Bonus Gifts that comes with the program:

Sacred Songs Story (Document)

Sacred Song in King's Chamber – Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt (music, $10 value)

Other Additions:

Your Progress Report to complete at the end of the Program, which helps you anchor all the miracles, blessings, advancement, insights and revelations


Add in Private Sessions with Dr. Ariel

($125 Instead of $250)
To Enhance Your 12 Week Program

About Soul Remedy Healings
 Step Free of Your Limitations & Fulfill your Highest Potential





Soul Remedy Healings address the challenging configurations that keep you from actualizing your full potential. If you’re seeking direction, ready to go the next level in your Life’s Purpose and/or to bring forth your unique offerings, a Soul Remedy Session can assist you.

If you’ve been dealing with a condition, situation or relationship you feel trapped in or held back by and are ready to step free, a Soul Remedy Healing can give you a safe compassionate forum that motivates clarity and change. Insightful and dynamic, these sessions can transform the way you see yourself and your situation, bringing you timely answers, while healing the underlying causes to catalyze fast positive change.

Each session includes powerful healings, activations, clearings, and many times Soul Destiny Readings, as well as a personalized Divine Healing Transmission from the Realms of Light!

Divine Healing Transmissions

In the tradition of the Oracles of Delphi, whose ministry helped allow Divine Ones to speak to humanity at a time of great need, these Divine Healing Transmissions facilitated by Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD, are designed for the advancement of humanity into an Age of Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace. Partaking of them allows powerful healings and timely activations to take place.

These Divine Healing Transmissions are powerful healing releases resolving soul dilemmas where a shift in perspective is available as Divine Miracles take place. The Temple of Sacred Alchemy is activated and Divine Ones step forth to administer to you that can include your personal angels, Inner Healer, Divine Sponsors, and Higher Self.

As in ancient times, when Oracles accessed Divine Realms to bring forth timely Healings, Initiations, Activations, Insights and Knowledge… these timely offerings from Realms on High can include Soul Advancing Activations, DNA recoding, Brain Chemistry Balancing, Pineal Activation, Third Eye Opening, Chakra Clearing, Relationship Healing, Self Image Restoration, and more.

Powerful, landmark healings can take place. The more open and ready the recipient, the more that can take place, healing family dynamics and patterns and positively affecting everyone in the lineage, while also working at deep levels within the psyche of humanity bringing positive change to Awakening Souls worldwide.

These Divine Healing Transmissions address the challenging configurations that keep you from actualizing your full potential. If you’re seeking direction, ready to go the next level in your Life’s Purpose and/or to bring forth your unique offerings, the Activation you receive can catapult you into the next level of your Awakening, Soul Advancement, and Service accelerating you tremendously.

If you’ve been dealing with a condition, situation or relationship you feel trapped in or held back by and are ready to step free, this Activation can give you a safe compassionate forum that motivates clarity and change. Insightful and dynamic, these healings, activations and clearings can transform the way you see yourself and your situation, bringing you timely insights, while healing the underlying causes to catalyze fast positive change.






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