The Oracle: A Voice of Positive Planetary Change

Bringing Good News to An Awakening World to
Illuminate the Mind and Inspire the Soul!!

A powerful show with a tremendous amount of information
in timely interviews with experts in the field of
Evolving Consciousness, Earth Changes & an Unexpected Future that is Within our Reach!

Return of the Oracles
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

Return of the Oracle: As the Feminine Spirit Rises… Oracles, Mystics, Medicine Women and Priestesses re-emerge on the planetary scene to assist in the Awakening. Dr. Aurora Ariel and guest, Turiya Valli, explore a historical review of priestesses, Oracles, ancient temples, civilizations (Greece, Lemuria, Egypt, Atlantis), the end of the time of Priestesses and their re-emergence today and the significance of this unprecedented return. Turiya is the co-Founder and host of Awakening Heart Network lends to the conversation on significant ancient histories. She has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet and she loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine. Turiya is also an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist.

Time of the Awakening Soul: How 400 Million People Are Changing our Future
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Alan Steinfeld

Time of the Awakening Soul: How 400 Million People are Changing our Future with guest, Alan Steinfeld. Dr. Ariel shares the exciting demographics that has launched an unprecedented Planetary Awakening and Global Renaissance that is changing our future, introducing the Violet People, prophecies of this illustrious soul group and its destiny on Earth. Find out the largest planetary trend's significance to Earth’s future. Guest: Alan Steinfield, founder and host of New Realities, an organization and video program dedicated to exploring new perception and ideas about the spiritual dimensions and how we are moving into greater conscious awakening. He has investigated many aspects of the consciousness movement with research into UFOs, Ancient civilizations, quantum physics, past life memories and most of all the activation of the Higher Soul. See more information on his website or his popular YouTube channel.

Global Enlightenment: A Planetary Awakening
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Ashok Gangadeen

Global Enlightenment: A Planetary Awakening, Global Renaissance, and Glorious Future Unveiled. Speaking to the Awakening that is changing the world as we know it. Guest: Ashok Gangadean, a professor of philosophy at Haverford College, founder and Director of the Global Dialogue Institute, founder of the Logos Institute, and co-convener of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. See His Website Now. His work merges Eastern and Western philosophy into one of universal reason, taking humanity beyond duality and into a unified philosophy. He is the author of several books, including Meditative Reason: Toward Universal Grammar, and Between Worlds: the Emergence of Global Reason. “Perhaps the single most powerful event facing humanity today is a great awakening on a planetary scale that has been millennia in the making. We humans are in the midst of a profound advance as a species to a higher form of global consciousness that has been emerging across cultures, religions and worldviews through the centuries. This awakening of global consciousness is nothing less than a shift, a maturation, from more egocentric patterns of life to a higher form of integral and dialogic patterns of life.” – Ashok Gangadean

Evolutionary Astrology & Gems
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Astrologer, Shakti Navran

Evolutionary Astrology: How to Use Astrology and Gems to Enhance and Empower Your Life. Guest Shakti Navran is a professional, evolutionary astrologer for 40 years now. She is a certified master student with Steven Forrest, one of the founders of Evolutionary Astrology. She has been a jeweler, evolutionary & intuitive astrologer and a published author with Llewellyn for many years. She writes a column about lunar astrology for the monthly publication of Maui Mama Magazine and is one of the presenters of Astro Hub. Shakti does individual birth chart counseling online and forecasts, relationship readings, parenting astrology, vocational astrology counseling and astro cartography. Her book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul was published 2008 by Llewellyn. In the book she teaches you how to read your personal horoscope and blue print for your life and how you can balance and heal yourself accordingly through consciousness and anchoring it with the frequency of gems.

Romancing the Beloved
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Tomas Heartfield

Romancing the Beloved: How to Bring Romance Back into Your Life. Guest, Tomas Heartfield, is the co-founder of Talking Hearts, a heart centered approach to sacred sexuality, communication, relationships and spiritual evolution. He and his wife, Joan Heartfield PhD do private counseling and coaching in Heart Intelligence, Integral Loving, Sacred Sexuality, Voice Dialogue, Holotropic Breathwork, and Compassionate Communication. They offer extended intensives for those who wish to enjoy a healing vacation in Maui, HI. Joan is author of Romancing The Beloved, A Sacred Sexual Adventure Into Love and co-author, with Tomas of Sage Advice, Resolving Challenges in Love Relationships.

TheQuest, How to Heal Your Life & Change Your Destiny
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

TheQuest: Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny. A Life Mastery Path to Self Discovery, Self Actualization, and Self Empowerment with guest, Turiya Vallis. Find out how to Live a Miraculous, Abundant Life, Realizing Your Greater Potential and Fulfilling a Higher Destiny than the Fate Your Human Programs Would Dictate. An exciting conversation on how TheQuest can quickly restore you to your Authentic Self despite the issues and blocks you continually face. When you master TheQuest 7 Steps… its easy to resolve every issue, heal every pattern, and change the challenging conditions in your life. Guest, Turiya Vallis is the co-Founder and host of Awakening Heart Network. She has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet and loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine. Turiya is also an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist.

The Violet Age, A Return to Eden
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

How to Live an Abundant Life, Anchoring Heaven on Earth in Your Own Life Experience. Dr. Aurora Ariel and guest, Turiya Vallis lend their expertise to the conversation on Abundance and how to attain 'True Wealth.' When humanity attains that ‘state of consciousness’ that is Abundance so it can manifest in our outer reality, we’ll have a return of the Garden of Eden on Earth, with a reset in governments and every area of life including the initiation of a Divine Economy that allows abundance for all. Turiya Vallis is the Co Founder and Host of Awakening Heart Network who has been hosting my monthly Global Healing Forums since 2015 and together we’ve brought forth some exciting offerings. She is an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist who has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet. She loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine.

How to Have an Extraordinary Love Relationship
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Will Wilkinson

How to Have an Extraordinary Love Relationship: Keys to traversing relationships, creating more harmony and love, and using relational challenges as a path to wholeness. Guest: Will Wilkinson, Author of Now or Never: A Time Traveler's Guide to Personal and Global Transformation (and 7 other books). His latest book champions individual heroics in contributing to global transmission. He is also the co-founder of Academy of Natural Wisdom and a senior consultant with Luminary Communications in Ashland, Oregon.

Violet People: The New Planetary Culture that is Transforming our Future
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD and Will Wilkinson

Bringing to light the Violet Signature and global mission Violets are here to fulfill, Dr. Aurora Ariel and guest, Will Wilkinson reveal how the planet will never be the same. Includes information on this new planetary culture (Cultural Creatives ) and the significance of this Global Awakening. Will Wilkinson is the author of Now or Never: A Time Traveler's Guide to Personal and Global Transformation (and 7 other books). His latest book champions individual heroics in contributing to global transmission. He is also the co-founder of Academy of Natural Wisdom and a senior consultant with Luminary Communications in Ashland, Oregon.

2023: A Visit from the Future
w/host Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

In February 2017, Aurora was visited by her Future Self, who shared she was from 2023. She gave her information on the significance of 2017 and what the future looks like by 2023. Then, Aurora received a Transformational Hypnosis session by Bernadette Jean Marie CHT, where she met with her Future Self again and was taken to see 2023 with her own eyes. An extraordinary experience, Aurora was forever changed and now has much to share about an enlightened future that is within our reach.  GUEST: Turiya Valli, Co Founder and Host of Awakening Heart Network lends to the conversation on significant ancient histories, the Oracles, and the rise, fall and reemergence of the priestess/healer on the planetary scene. She has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet and she loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine. Turiya is also an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist.

Activations to Accelerate the Ascension
w/host Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

Find out about the Ascension now taking place globally and how Divine Ones from the Realms of Light are presently assisting our world. You will learn about Activations and the powerful role they are playing in the Awakening, our Global Healing Forums and how you can be a part of this amazing blessing to humanity and receive powerful clearings and activations each month. Turiya Vallis is the Co Founder and Host of Awakening Heart Network lends to the conversation on significant ancient histories, the Oracles, and the rise, fall and reemergence of the priestess/healer on the planetary scene. She has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet and she loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine. Turiya is also an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist.

Divine Visitations: A Sign of the Times!
with host, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Turiya Vallis

Across the planet, divine visitations have become a way of life for many who are undergoing a spiritual awakening. Dr. Ariel and Turiya Vallis speak to the Divine Interventions taking place today helping the Awakening of Souls Worldwide. Turiya is the Co Founder and Host of Awakening Heart Network lends to the conversation on significant ancient histories, the Oracles, and the rise, fall and reemergence of the priestess/healer on the planetary scene. She has been privileged to interview some of the most transformational spiritual healers on the planet and she loves to help people remember the truth of who and what they are and awaken to their own Inner Divine. Turiya is also an award winning singer/songwriter, author, and behavioral therapist.

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